Investors needed for innovative medical device

Vacuderm™ for children
Olberon Ltd are seeking investment of £250,000 to launch development of the children’s Vacuderm™ to reduce failure rates in cannulation procedures with children, and grow a sales distribution network in the UK and overseas for all its devices.
Olberon Ltd, a medical device innovation company based at the Nottingham Science Park, has developed the Vacuderm™ a really useful and unique tourniquet to reduce wastage, cost and time for doctors and nurses inserting needles into patients’ veins.
Inventor Dr Arash Bakhtyari explained some of the major difficulties of vein access in medical practice and how his device assists practitioners to get to the vein first time. “In essence the Vacuderm™ is a tourniquet which helps to inflate the vein so that a needle can be easily inserted to take blood (this is called cannulation). The problem is, of the 30 million cannulations performed just in the UK alone a year, 30% fail first time in adults and a staggering 50% in children. Every attempt increases the risk of infection, adds stress and anxiety for the patient and practitioner and costs the NHS over £32 each time.”

Vacuderm™ for children
Dr Bakhtyari continued with his solution “The Vacuderm™ works very simply, once the device is applied to the patient, the dome part is pumped to create a vacuum, this expands the vein ready for cannulation, first time, thus saving time and money, reducing infection and limiting patient and practitioner stress.”
Final clinical trials on the device are due to take place in the next few months at the Royal Derby Hospital NHS Emergency Department, before a global launch later in the year. A children’s version is also in developmental stages, designed for the child to ‘assist’ the procedure by pumping the dome themselves. These are planned to have turtle and ladybird designs to distract the child during cannulation.
To view a copy of the business plan please contact Kara Baron direct on 0115 8022025 or email